1. Even dickheads love their dogs. Find a way to connect to those you disagree with. “The obvious mistakes of those who find themselves in opposition are to break off relations with those who disagree with you,” texts Vera Krichevskaya, the co-founder of TV Rain, Russia’s last independent TV station. “You cannot allow anger and narrow your circle.”

  2. Pay in cash. Ask yourself what an international drug trafficker would do, and do that.

He’s thinking about flying a SpaceX rocket to Mars and raping and pillaging its rare earth minerals before anyone else can get there. We need a 30-year road map out of this.

  1. Take the piss. Humour is a weapon. Any man who feels the need to build a rocket is not overconfident about his masculinity. Work with that.

A fundraising banner from The Guardian, an indepedent British newspaper. The centerpiece is a serif block "For f****s sake", with the letters after the f sprayed over with "act '"

  • shoulderoforion
    74 months ago

    so, it was only trump voters who died from the inept covid response, or did our side get swept up and decimated, dying in the worst ways, choking and drowning on our own bodily fluids, unable to breathe, unable to say goodbye to our loved ones, bodies piling up. i dunno maybe i dreamed that.

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      Uh, what? What is your point here? That good people are going to die?

      …yeah, we voted in Trump. Everyone knows.