We’re dealing with some stormy weather here (Vancouver for me, but it covers a wider area) and so a patchwork of homes across the region are having power outages. Crews are working to restore it

So on that note, what do you like to do?

  • ways to prepare, what to buy, a favourite flashlight from [email protected]?
  • how you pass the time
  • any stories that come to mind?
  • @Sequentialsilence
    34 months ago

    In order. Turn off the main breaker Turn off the breakers for HVAC and hot water heater Unplugged my car charger Wheel out the generator Power on the generator Plug the generator into my house Put my security camera that can see the street light on one of my screens so I can see when power comes back on. Resume activities

    If I can get all that done in less than 10ish minutes my WiFi and computer don’t even power down.

    To resume I just unplug the generator and then flip the breakers back to the on position.