Okay this feels like such a basic and dumb question but I cannot figure it out. I followed a link to a Mastodon post and saw a reply I wanted to make my own reply to. No problem, I figured I have a CherryPick account which federates with Mastodon so this should be a breeze. The problem is that post IDs are obviously different across instances so I can’t simply modify the URL to find the post and it hasn’t synced with my instance so I can’t use search to find it either. Obviously I can’t login to the Mastodon instance with my account either, sadly, as much as I would love that. So I manually looked up the user and found them on my instance, but despite showing more recent posts I can’t find the one I want to reply to! The post they replied to is available on my instance, their account is available, why the heck is this one reply just not available! What do I do here, just give up?

  • @neatchee
    103 months ago
    1. Copy/paste the full URL of the post you want to reply to into your server’s Search box. This will cause the post to be loaded by your server, where you can reply to it

    2. Use a browser extension like Graze to automatically redirect buttons on remote instances to your home instance