The administration claimed that blocking arms transfers would embolden Hamas — ignoring Israel’s genocidal slaughter.

  • @Maggoty
    133 months ago

    Come back after January 20th and say that with a straight face.

    Force Republicans to visibly go after working class people, abortions, and healthcare. Force them to be the bad guy if they want to die on those hills. This has been the crumbiest of crumb trails we’ve had since Bill Clinton. Shit that’s too penne ante to actually make a difference but is celebrated like it’s another New Deal.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      -33 months ago

      He has Congress and The Senate so they can pass whatever legislation they want. They distribute the funds, the president doesn’t just magically make the funds appear. He can start a war, or use troops to run around and rip people from their homes, whether citizen or not, and then get away with it because he won’t be impeached. But what I’m saying is he can’t just say “it’s illegal to do this now” and that’s law. Unless the legislative branch gives up all its power. Which unfortunately would only save us about 100m a year and make us actually have a king. They will hide behind the false pretence that the government branches still exist because they can make everything pass they need for now. If that changes… Then they’ll break it

      • @Maggoty
        93 months ago

        That’s why Biden should be doing positive things, not negative. Forgive all federal student loans, order Medicare to open enrollment and enroll anyone who applies, order the federal government to cover the cost of all abortions, order all government agencies, contractors and subcontractors to pay no less than the state minimum wage where the work is conducted.

        None of it will actually go through. A court in Texas will stop it the next day. But force them to be on the wrong side of the issue. Stop letting them lie about what they will do. Show some goddamn spine and just maybe people will stop thinking about Democrats as Republican Lite^tm .

        Of course, that’s the problem isn’t it? The Democrats aren’t willing to even try. Which shows us who they are.

        • @kreskin
          43 months ago

          Looks like he just vetoed a ceasfire resolution in the UN security council that was unanimously approved by the other 14 members. So that solves the question of what he’s doing with his remaining time in office.

        • @LifeInMultipleChoice
          3 months ago

          He tried the student loans so that’ll just look bad.

          But really how would he order the federal government to pay for things, he doesn’t hold the purse, Congress does. They would just call him off his rocker and not fit for office because he doesn’t remember how government works.

          It’d be like me walking into a car dealership and saying give me one of everything! And expecting people to cheer for me when in reality they would just laugh and think I’m an idiot.

          Maybe he could do the enrollment, HHS is run by the executive branch I believe

          • @Maggoty
            43 months ago

            The same way Trump did. By declaring an emergency and grabbing whatever funding source he wanted. Congress appropriates money but the executive still has a lot of power in using that money.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        73 months ago

        He has Congress and The Senate so they can pass whatever legislation they want

        You mean like Biden had his first two years?