So this is kind of the tartine whole wheat recipe, but I was curious about a really long autolyse, so I mixed the flour and water and left it for a day, then mixed in the leaven, salt, and continued the recipe as normal

Dough is 70% whole wheat, 30% all purpose. 76ish% hydration.

Oh, another “alteration” was that I forgot to feed the starter the day before, so instead of 200g of properly active starter, I put in 250g of sloppy gross starter that was well past its prime.

Overall I’m very pleasantly surprised

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    Compared to your usual recipe, how did the long autolyse affect your dough handling or the finished loaf?

    • @sneekee_snek_17OP
      23 months ago

      I didn’t really alter my handling of it at all, aside from maybe being a little more gentle. As for the finished loaf, it’s hard to say, since I haven’t made the recipe according to the instructions.

      Bad science, I know, but here we are