So I finally got diagnosed with ADHD (apparently I actually bombed the MOXO if you saw my previous post). I started 10mg IR adderall on Tuesday. Firstly it has been life changing so far but if I start writing about that this will become a novel.

The main thing I’m wondering about is that I have also noticed that about 1 hour after I take a pill I get a bit of a headache and my upper back and shoulders ache. It isn’t bad, it’s just enough to be annoying. I’ve been paying special attention to make sure I’m still eating, sleeping, and drinking enough so I know the achiness isn’t linked to any of that. Did anyone else get this sideeffect, does it eventually go away, and if so how long did it take for you?

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Depends, short acting was ok for me but not as side effect free as pure Dexedrine. When I moved to XR’s i noticed that I was getting jaw tension and afternoon headaches on the efficacy down slope, along with a huge loss in energy.

    I have since switched to Vyvance and it has a more steady level of performance without as sharp a peak and slower tapper, but I still struggle with my afternoon slump. I also still some times get headaches, and flights of anxiety but I think those are partially driven by too much caffeine.

    • @ABCDE
      14 months ago

      Should you be mixing caffeine with meds? My psychiatrist told me not to with methylphenidate, and even the atomoxetine (non-stimulant).