• @chemical_cutthroat
    -33 months ago

    The “OP”, if you are referring to the screenshot, is presenting feminine, and talks about walking into a room full of men and doing something that they believe intentionally trolls men.

    • @[email protected]
      153 months ago

      I think you missed the point. Many games have toxic communities that attack women and tell them they’re no good enough, along with much more unsavoury shit. Playing into that, you can get a very aggressive response and “feel something”. It’s less about trolling men and more the attacks many women get from elitist male gamers.

      Do you think women aren’t allowed to talk about sexist gaming communities?

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        -63 months ago

        So, the equal rights movements aren’t about bringing certain people up to the level of everyone else, but instead bringing all others down to the oppressed’s level?

        I just want to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else moving forward.

        • @bluespin
          93 months ago

          Joking about men over-explaining a difficult game is not oppressing them

          • @chemical_cutthroat
            -53 months ago

            So all the comedians that tell sexist jokes about women are a-ok in your book? Good to know.

            • @bluespin
              -13 months ago

              Not what I said but nice try. Groups that are systemically oppressed joking about those that aren’t is in no way equal to the reverse

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          It is about bringing people to the same level. In this case, when women can go into gaming circles and not get snide, sarcastic comments about their perceived lack of skill, or overtly sexualized unsolicited comments, then we are there. We are not yet.

          The fact you’re getting triggered by women not being happy about this is a little odd.

          Surely you’d want young women relatives of yours to not have a shitty environment like this?

          • @chemical_cutthroat
            13 months ago

            Right, and what the commenters are saying, along with yourself, is that it is ok to degrade others as long as it’s “their turn.” The patriarchy has been in power for too long, we better hate all men just to be safe. Wouldn’t want to miss any of the bad ones, so we’ll blame all of them for our problems.

            That’s generalization. That’s the enemy. If you want to hate against exclusivity in gaming, you can’t generalize by saying something like the op screenshot. Instead, you would replace “men” with “soulsbourne gatekeepers.” If that doesn’t have the same weight as what the screenshot originally said, then you should look at what was changed and why it made you feel a certain way. Bias is a bitch, and it goes hand in hand with generalization. When you generalize, as the screenshot did, it’s bringing a shotgun to an archery range. Sure, you’ll hit the target, but you aren’t doing it right.