Even if it wasn’t so much “manipulative”.

  • Wugmeister
    25 hours ago

    Back when I was preparing to propose to my now-fiancee, she figured out very fast exactly where and how I planned on proposing. I didn’t want to change my plans, so I lied my ass off for the next month to convince her that

    1. There was no way that I could propose on that date because the ring was still in Canada/Michigan/Guam/Pennsylvania/Kansas/Indiana/etc.
    2. Even if I did, I can’t do it where I wanted to because she’s expecting it now and I am adamant that she be surprised

    Kept all my plans the same, had the ring the whole time, everything went according to plan. She was completely suprised!

    That said, the stress of keeping a secret for so long apparently wore my immune system down. An hour after putting my ring on her finger, I was suddenly nauseous, exhausted, a bit dizzy, and running a high fever. So now she has extra proof that I will never lie to her.