You can’t push back with all of your effort all of the time. You will burn out so fast, and the “regular” things in your life will suffer for it. That’s setting yourself up to spiral down the drain, and that doesn’t do anyone any good.

This is not like going on a crash diet, starving yourself in the short term and not knowing where to go on week three. This is the long game. This is a change in mindset. This is like building a different relationship with food.

If you need to, take a break. Catch your breath. Regroup. Doing that is being prepared to resist. You will need stamina, creativity, and spontaneity; it’s perfectly valid to take some time to build those skills.

Not every action is going to be right for every person, but even something as simple as looking the other way in the right moment is an act of resistance.

Then, when you’re rested and ready, you can give support to others or take the lead so someone else can rest.

  • @Anticorp
    43 months ago

    What’s wild is that the Right doesn’t seem to ever tire of their pursuits. Trumpler needs a hobby or something instead of constantly scheming.