• @ace_garp
    54 months ago

    1999, at the first Homelands festival in Winchester, SE of London.

    She was Scottish and was there with a girlfriend. We were 4 guys from a different country, out for the night from our share-house.

    We talked and I was nervous about how graceful, intelligent and demure I found her. Hung out and talked, went home our separate ways.

    The next day I was at the Papillon bar-cafe with a friend and she came up out of the blue. She was distributing flyers for a gig, and placing some at the cafe. We talked and I was stunned and not confident again. Looking back, there was something there between us, but I did not initiate anything. We said goodbye with no numbers exchanged.

    Out of all of London, we bumped into eachother and I didn’t read the destiny flags that were hanging around us.

    I am happy now in life, but I will never forget her, how she captured my interest and made me feel that weekend. I have no idea where she is now. I hope happy and fulfilled with whichever direction life has taken her over the past 25 years.