
Pat King, a key figure in Canada’s 2022 “Freedom Convoy” protests, was found guilty on five charges, including mischief and counseling others to obstruct police, and faces up to 10 years in prison.

The protests, which blocked downtown Ottawa and key US-Canada border crossings for weeks, opposed COVID-19 mandates imposed by Prime Minister Trudeau’s government.

King was accused of inciting the blockade, coordinating disruptive actions like constant honking, and defying court orders.

He is the first protest leader convicted, while trials for other organizers are ongoing.

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    It’s because the protests worked!!1! they won!! Without their hard work, we would have still been stuck inside. /s

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      The liberal media want you to be afraid of fabricated threats of perfectly natural, harmless things with no real world consequences when we should be talking about boys kissing each other!