Given the chance that you can talk to your younger self. It might help others who are lurking here too :)

  • @vltraviolet
    32 years ago

    Get out while you still can! Go make friends and have a real life! Don’t repeat my mistakes! XD

    Jokes aside, I would advise to keep on keepin’ on. :) And stop doomscrolling fanfic_rants trying to figure out what you shouldn’t write based on people’s pet peeves and annoyances. Yes, people are needlessly critical but tbh you’re gonna be writing rarepairs and rare fandoms so readers will have to engage with your stuff anyway or make their own :P

    • Frost WolfOPM
      32 years ago

      Haha. Our lives were taken over by fanfics at some point. Though I wouldn’t trade fanfiction for anything. It was my comfort zone, my teacher and to some really loaded ones, a mentor and a therapist. A fanfic even helped me process a painful break up. Where others would just say “you’ll get over it”. I find the fanfic communities are more supportive than people IRL.

      That said, your advice is very solid. A lot of us had that negative review from time to time. But we can always delete or ignore them. Fanfictions are our safe space. We read and write at our own comfort levels. :)