Hey everyone, new instance admin here after following the Ansible setup.

I’m curious about how to switch from block storage for images to object storage - it’s marked as possible in the documentation but I’m not sure how to do so when the application is dockerized (as it is on a standard install.)

Any other instance admins have advice?

  • @PriorProject
    22 years ago

    Did you look at the pict-rs filesystem command? I haven’t tried it but from the pict-rs docs it looks like it does exactly what you want.

    • LagomorphOP
      32 years ago

      It appears the version of pict-rs used in the ansible build is an older one with different commands. I didn’t choose to upgrade it for risk of messing with Lemmy Compatibility.

      • @PriorProject
        2 years ago

        Oh, I did read that in a Lemmy GitHub issue but forgot until you reminded me. They haven’t upgraded yet. I have no idea if it’s a smooth/compatible upgrade or if the Lemmy devs need to update code to remain compatible. If you don’t want to go wandering into potential breakage, yeah, you probably want to sit tight until the version of pict-rs gets updated. Hopefully there’s a simple migration available then though.