Unpopular opinion perhaps: I am a little unnerved (pun not intended) by uncircumcised penises. They creep me out a bit and I’m afraid of the cheese that oozes out. lol Also, does it, like, hurt more? The foreskin makes it look like a worm.

  • @ethman42
    22 years ago

    I was circumcised at 4 because my foreskin was splitting every time I got an erection. I am very glad this was done. I recognize that I am in the minority, but are you claiming that you are against people who are circumcised because of their parents?

    • Vatril
      42 years ago

      There is a difference between medical circumcision and religion circumcision.

      It’s a medical procedure that changes things about your body for the rest of your life. Makes you way less sensitive down there.

      If it’s needed because of phimosis or similar, yeah, it should be done on minors, otherwise, no, a kid can’t consent to body modifications.