Reported move would mean loss of 15,000 personnel at a time when the US is struggling to recruit, warn charities

  • @werefreeatlast
    132 months ago

    So I guess this is how you too can earn bone spurs! Just become a woman and that’s that. Does it work both ways? 🧐 Asking for a friend. So if I’m a woman biologically, and I get a surgery to reverse my hoo-haa into a dingdong, then will they kick me out of the military? How about at Wall Mart? Can I be allowed to work at Walmart and be allowed to exist? Like am I worth the air I breathe? Good thing I’m just a closeted gay person who is also bi.

    • @andros_rex
      102 months ago

      Phalloplasty is so heavy duty that you’d be out of commission for several years anyway. Even with the other option, metadioplasty, (basically, they cut loose the clitoris and sometimes reroute urethra) you’d be out at least 6 months. I doubt they’d allow surgeries until after you served for some amount of time, just hormones.

      • @werefreeatlast
        22 months ago

        Sounds like an impossible dream although I do know at least 3 trans people.

    • @werefreeatlast
      52 months ago

      I hope they don’t start rounding up all of us gay people…oh wait. Hold on! Wait a minute!

      C’mon! Round us up! Yeah! Round all of us up! All of us together in the same sexy room!