I’m looking to create an easy solution that is child/wife friendly. I’m hoping to get a set up going without internet. I however would like it to run like a Chromecast with plex.

I was thinking of a

Dell Optiplex 3020M Mini PC USFF, running windows 10

An external hard drive with content.

From here is where I have gaps. Could I set up a plex server offline on the device, with plex media player and use an Flirc remote with pre-programmed buttons?

Essentially, I’m trying to create the experience of watching Netflix on a Chromecast but with plex and a pc remote control of some sort (with pre-programmed buttons that load up content so kid and wife only have to press one or two buttons to get to their shows)


  • yayaway
    12 months ago

    Hey I’ve seen this mentioned before on other posts and have done so on my plex server as well.

    But this is the first time I saw someone mention bit subnet masking. Would you mind elaborating a bit? I’m also trying to learn a bit of networking so was curious. Thanks!

    • tun
      2 months ago

      you should look into IPv4 subnetting.

      a brief explanation, v4 address is in a.b.c.d format. a, b, c and d are 8bit decimal (that means 0 to 255)

      to get more ip available, address is sub divided into network and host part and is called subnetting. = = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000

      that means 192.168.0 is the network and the last 0 is for the hosts. 0 and 255 is reserved for broadcasting.

      • yayaway
        12 months ago

        Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will look into this more and get more familiar with it.