Whatever’s going on in your country, it’s probably not as bad as this.

  • shoulderoforion
    23 months ago

    what’s going on in my country, is we either handed over the reigns to a fascist completely unable and incapable of keeping us or our allies safe, or our elections were thouroughly hacked by russia installing their puppet to allow them eastern european hegemony at the end of tanks and nukes, so, yeah, what’s going on in my country is not only ordinates worse than this, it affects every living being on the planet in such disasterous negativity, 12 months from now entire soverign nations will cease to exist

    • @Dragomus
      13 months ago

      Regardless, things do not look good internationally, countries will be swept away and their history wiped so they fit in the ruling communist empire, be it Ukraine, Eastern Europe, or Taiwan and South Korea…

      As a sidenote, isn’t it interesting that China is relocating its productive industry from the coastal areas to far into central China? What oh what could be a hidden reason behind such an expensive move…