Bigscreen Beyond, the slim and light PC VR headset released late last year, is getting its first ever Black Friday deal. Starting this week, you can nab a free Audio Strap with purchase.

Bigscreen Beyond is small, partly because it relies on the SteamVR tracking ecosystem and doesn’t need inside-out tracking sensors, and partly because it includes dual 2,560 × 2,560 micro-OLED displays, which are paired with space (and weight) saving pancake lenses.

In fact, it’s so light, it weighs in at just a few grams less than the optional Audio Strap itself: 127g Beyond, 160g Audio Strap.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    No I don’t believe I am. Bigscreen VR has a “cloud,” web browser that you can share embedded videos in websites but you never own it and you need to rent the usage

    This hardware is under the same folks who maintain Bigscreen VR

    • paraphrand
      12 months ago

      Oh, I see. I forgot about their App.

      This post is about their PCVR hardware. The cloud browser thing is mostly useful on Quest.