Specifically the emulation part. I wonder could this be used to take down a future emulator emulating the game. I know Nintendo claimed DMCA for the yuzu stuff. Not sure about EULA if there would be grounds to do so. Either way I’m sure we can expect more of this crap as time goes on.

like the rest of you I never read and ignore them , but on a whim I skimmed this one and this stood out.

  • @[email protected]
    121 month ago

    How clearly is emulation even defined? For example wine, while literally being called wine is not an emulator, could potentially be considered emulation by the legal system. Or maybe one could say dxvk emulates directx. Also aren’t you technically emulating the device and not the game? This seems very unspecified

    • @TootSweet
      01 month ago

      WINE works on the same principle as the Boring Company™ Not A Flamethrower™.
