The evidence is absolutely overwhelming for what the Israeli newspaper Haaretz succinctly describes in its headline - ‘The Israeli Army Is Allowing Gangs in Gaza to Loot Aid Trucks and Extort Protection Fees From Drivers’.

But it gets so much darker. The Israeli state, as this Israeli newspaper point out, have considered making the clans from which these armed looters spring from in charge of distributing aid to Gaza’s residents. And here is the killer quote: “even though some of the clans’ members are involved in terrorism, and some are even affiliated with extremist organizations like the Islamic State.”

Now this was subsequently corroborated by the Washington Post. Citing an internal United Nations memo which concludes that gangs ‘may be benefiting from a passive if not active benevolence’ or ‘protection’ from, the IDF, and citing a gang leader establishing a military like compound in an area ‘restricted, controlled and patrolled by the IDF”. The UN has declared Gaza to be lawless.

  • @Aqarius
    34 months ago

    No big surprise. Remember back when they extract- I mean, evacuated the “white helmets”?