“This can’t be real. It’s unbelievable that they quietly enabled this.”

Edit: Existing title was used in the originally published article.

  • @Valmond
    3 months ago

    I’m a hardcore C/C++ person usually, but when I dabble in other languages I just want something that works, code highlight + autocompletion is already enough for me, can it autocomplete Godot too then that would be fabulous. Compule and launch? A dream. Debug? Impossible…

    I use Jetbrain for python and it’s very very good, so I’ll check out their C# one, thanks for the hint!

    The link you provided is for building Godot right? I mean not for bullding a game using Godot.

    I’ll check out neovim if I ever want to drown in features 😋

    Thanks again!

    Edit: according to the documentation jetbrains works with godot out of the box ❤️