An estimated 140 women and girls across the world die at the hands of their partner or family member every day, according to new global estimates on femicide by the UN.

The report by UN Women found 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally by men in 2023, with 60% (51,100) of these deaths committed by someone close to the victim. The organisation said its figures showed that, globally, the most dangerous place for a woman to be was in her home, where the majority of women die at the hands of men.

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, UN Women’s deputy executive director, said: “What the data is telling us is that it is the private and domestic sphere’s of women’s lives, where they should be safest, that so many of them are being exposed to deadly violence.

  • @pixxelkick
    13 months ago

    Ah I see, right so the key in your date is it’s historical.

    It’s not a 60% victimization rate in discrete circumstances. It’s a victimization rate hysterically.

    Which is critical because there’s an enormous difference between “60% of women are being victimized actively” vs “60% 9f women are reporting having been victimized at some point historically

    The difference is such:

    Let’s do the usual poisoned m&ms in a bowl analogy.

    If 1% of m&ms are poisoned, but you grab 100 m&ms and eat them, your odds of getting poisoned are waaay higher than 1%, it’s now 63%!

    So on a discrete measure of “what percent of women are actively living in a victimizing situation right now” it will be fairly low, I don’t know if we have that data.

    But a woman moves through numerous situations in her life. She likely lives with many people, goes to many jobs, interacts with many strangers.

    So while one discrete dice roll can have extremely low odds of a bad outcome, naturally living life inherently means you will roll that dice hundreds of times.

    Inversely, when talking about “are women currently safe in their homes?” That’s a discrete statistic, not historical.

    It’s like comparing eating a handful of the m&ms vs eating only 1 m&m, the numbers are wildly different and if you try and present one as the other, you will come across as disingenuous.

    When discussing mortality rates, that’s a discrete event, moat people typically only die once.

    You either are, or are not, dead.

    So when discussing whats most likely to kill you, you look at the discrete numbers and it’s objectively fact that the discrete odds of being murdered are incredibly low compared to dying pretty much any other way.

    While bring harassed historically is high, the odds a woman’s current living situation right now is one of violence is much lower than 60%

    Because if it was 60%, then the odds of being historically a victim of any type of violence would be pretty much 100%.

    But the fact that number is 60% means the discrete number is, eyeballing it with rough numbers, going to be in the single digits.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Are you under the impression that once your boyfriend is done assaulting you, you go back to normal? Or that after your husband beats you and threatens to kill you, that you resume normal life afterwards? Or that when you are sexually harassed by adult male family members as a teenager, once it’s over you’re able to continue growing into an adult without any impact on you? No, you don’t. Being a victim of intimate partner violence is not something that ends once the specific act is done. Many women suffer the effects of it for their entire lives. An abusive relationship can also last decades. Most abusive relationships are long term ones. It is very difficult to leave an abuser, even moreso if that person is a member of your family.

      This is far and away the most deranged response I have ever seen. Rambling, completely incoherent and entirely unrelated to the subject matter?

      These studies are self reported as well. They’re not account for violence against children under the age of 15, and by nature, they come in under the actual figures. The reality is that women as a class suffer chronic victimization of male violence. The overwhelming majority of women have experienced gender based violence at some point in their lives.

      • @pixxelkick
        33 months ago

        completely incoherent Just because you dont understand the difference between discrete statistics vs historical doesnt mean its incoherent.

        Understanding the difference between “whats the chance I get poisoned if I eat one M&M from the bowl” vs “whats the chance I get poisoned if I eat an entire handful” is something you should’ve learned in high school.

        Representing one of those odds as the other is disingenuous, and will not win people over to your side, because people can usually intuitively tell the difference usually and go “that doesnt seem right…”

        Which, in turn, is why shit like trump getting elected happens. The pattern of vastly over-inflating numbers to make shitty clickbait when the original meaningful numbers were already a big enough deal anyways has heavily polarized the landscape.

        As long as people keep doing stupid shit like that, it’s going to do the exact opposite of what you want. Instead of drawing people to any good causes it pushes them away, because they then just assume its all bullshit.

        If you don’t understand the vast difference between a discussion on discrete statistical odds vs cumulative odds, you probably shouldn’t be trying to weigh in because all you are doing is just muddying the waters with bad numbers that aren’t actually relevant to the core of the discussion, which just pisses people off and makes them turtle up more.

        I get where you are coming from, but you just need to wrap your head around the fact the numbers you brought up have no bearing on anything I was talking about, they arent necessarily wrong, but they’re just not relevant to what I was discussing, so it just came across as rude or uninformed at best, disingenuous at worst.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          No, I know what you’re saying about discrete numbers and historical ones. I never once tried to represent anything as a discrete number, by nature of the subject matter this conversation cannot be about discrete numbers because again BEING A VICTIM DOES NOT STOP WHEN INDIVIDUAL ACTS OF ABUSE ARE NO LONGER OCCURRING.

          What is incoherent is someone being like “here’s factual data showing 60% of women have been sexually assaulted” and your response is “okay but 60% of women are not ACTIVELY being sexually assaulted”. I can understand why the specific phrase “victimization rate” could come off as confusing? But even in the context of discrete vs historical there are some figures supporting a discrete interpretation of this. Like from previous figures I’ve given 61% of women reporting unwanted sexual behaviors by men between the ages of 15 and 24. That would indicate that yes at present somewhere around 60% of women in that age demographic have recently experienced gender based sexual violence.

          This is also not about winning anyone over to a cause. This is a statement of fact, the extent to which women are abused by men. To the point that the majority of women are victims of gender based violence from men.

          You entirely skipped over the first part of my last message as well. A discrete number would be entirely unhelpful in assessing the extent to which women are being victimized by men because women are not all being victimized at the same time and women do not stop being victims once they aren’t being actively victimized.

          • @pixxelkick
            23 months ago

            What is incoherent is someone being like “here’s factual data showing 60% of women have been sexually assaulted” and your response is “okay but 60% of women are not ACTIVELY being sexually assaulted”

            What part about this do you not understand. It’s not complicated.

            There’s a huge difference in “how many people have had their home burn down” vs “how many homes are at risk of burning down right now” and the latter was what was being originally discussed

            They are entirely different conversations.

            When the current actuall convo is about “what’s the risk of your house burning down right now” and the answer is “quite low”, but then you butt in and go “nuh uh, like 60% of people have had a house burn down in the past” you sound ridiculous.

            You in that moment demonstrate either:

            1. You don’t understand how stats work and why your number is irrelevant to the convo. Or
            2. You do know how they work, and thus are being actively disingenuous.

            Either way, go figure yourself out. Your numbers aren’t relevant here, go either find the numbers that are relevant, or at least stop muddling the waters with bad math.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Omg are you seriously coming here to talk over me while I’m spreading awareness about how prolific gender based violence against women is? Who tf are you? We aren’t in a fucking stats classroom or whatever you think this is. The absolute and utter detachment you seem to have towards a subject like systemic violence against women is honestly insane. There exists no rule stating that I can’t bring up another data set in a discussion on violence against women. Literally not one human being has ever said that. It is also absolutely relevant data to the topic at hand. And then people like you wonder why we feel like men don’t care about how we are bring abused. You’d rather pedantically talk over me about the classification of data sets then actually meaningfully engage with the fact that women are so likely to be physically or sexually abused by men that 60% of women in a specific age range of 15 to 24 have experienced that. Which is saying nothing of girls under 15 and women 25 and over.

              If 60% of the population of women will be sexually or physically abused by male intimate partners then OVER HALF of women are victims of intimate partner violence. That is the takeaway. If you have no interest in talking about this, then go do something else with your time.

              • @pixxelkick
                13 months ago

                You interjected in the discussion with non-relevant stats, and are now getting mad when called out on it.

                Your stats you are presenting aren’t relevant to the post I made. Deal with it and go throw a tantrum somewhere else. I posted first, you are trying to talk over me

                Go find an echo chamber to complain to instead of cluttering up discussions with irrelevance and throwing tantrums while people are trying to talk about the actual facts that are relevant.

                You should be ashamed of yourself.

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  Yeah youre right a post about femicide by intimate partners has no connection with rates of intimate partner violence.

                  I also didnt respond to your fucking post with those stats I was responding to another commenter. Everything else I said stands.

                  • @pixxelkick
                    13 months ago

                    Historical odds of experiencing violence in the past has no relevance to discrete odds of danger now, correct.

                    Glad you finally figured it out.

                    Having experienced food poisoning 5 years ago has zero relevance to the question of “is this current dish I am about to eat safe?”

                    The latter is the discussion you are insisting on butting in on and trying to steer the convo towards the former.

                    No one gives a shit about your food poisoning from 5 years ago Karen, we are discussing if this dish right now is poisoned or not.