Urinal Rule

If a bro walks into a bathroom said bro must take the furthest urinal away from the bro already in there. If urinal 1 and 6 are taken, the bro must use urinal 3.If urinal 1,3 and 6 are taken a bro must wait or MAN UP and use a cubical.

A bro WILL NOT under any circumstances speak to a fellow bro in the urinal.A bro WILL NOT look at another bro using the urinal.

  • @CaptnNMorgan
    43 months ago

    Nah, if it’s an emergency I’m standing next to you. If you don’t want to see my dick, don’t look. Most urinals I’ve seen lately has privacy walls anyway.

    I agree with Vader, but not OPs rule about waiting if there are two free urinals