• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Wow that’s a lot of analogies wrapped in there

    Say you and your Trump-lubbin buddies are riding your lifted truck and you see a trans kid walking on the side of the road. One of your friends can’t jumps off and punches them out, just because they couldn’t control their need to physically fight the gay agenda any longer. You’re still cheering him on when a van full of Antifa dudes pulls up and they beat the perpetrator, your buddies and yourself to a pulp. And I mean really, really pulpy. Also they bomb your truck

    Sure, your hatred for Antifa and the Gay Agenda might have grown even stronger by this altercation. But would you still think your buddy attacking that kid was a smart idea? Would you follow him when he goes after the next one?

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Probably, this is how tribalism and war work. People will almost always side with there in group even if they are the obvious aggressor. Any attack on your in group, even in retaliation, will tend to reinforce bonds and further entrench you rather then make you “wake up” and leave the group or turn against the agitators. You want revenge and you aren’t going to turn against the one guy who’s shown he’s willing to help you get that revenge.