Due to a recently increased upload speed, I can now stream to some of my users 4K content from my Plex server. However, I do not have infinite hard drive space, so I would, at least initially, prefer to limit my 4K collection to films and TV show shows that actually benefit from it.

Personally, and with several of my friends, we’ve come to the agreement that 4K video has about as much advantage as 720 versus 1080. It’s not that big of a leap, and often not entirely worth the upgrade (when accounting for the hard drive space consideration, the added darkness, etc). However, with some films and TV shows, it really does make a huge difference.

With that in mind, what films and TV shows would you recommend that definitely benefit from 4K viewing?

  • EleventhHourOP
    23 months ago

    It probably comes down to how the show was originally shot and/or upscaled.

    Do you have any that you would recommend?

    • @chemical_cutthroat
      63 months ago

      Tentpole blockbusters like Avatar or Oppenheimer are gonna be your best bets. Look for films that were filmed on iMax to get that maximum pop.

    • @IMALlama
      23 months ago

      No, sorry :( I am just a camera hobbyist, but don’t consume much traditional media.