Anyway. How are we all doing this aggressively sunny Monday morning? Anyone get up to anything exciting over the weekend?

I’ve just woke up, managed to get a bit of relaxing done this weekend although not as much as planned so feeling extra bitter about being back to work. Hay fever is on a mission to kill me. Not getting much sleep in general at the moment which is making everything else seem ten times worse.

On the bright side we went swimming yesterday and last time my legs really started to stiffen up the day after but this time I’ve escaped unscathed, so just goes to show how quickly it makes a difference! Also I managed to sort of half figure out a concept in my game dev hobby that’s been kicking my arse the last couple weeks. Still a long way to go until it actually works properly, but I’m making progress and quite proud.

For once, Past Me really put the legwork in on a project last week so Present Me gets to have a fairly slack Monday for once. Sounds good to me!

  • @Assassin4
    22 years ago

    I’m at the start of 2 weeks off with the in laws visiting from Europe. I don’t talk their language and whilst they do speak some English they tend to speak to my partner in the home language. So finding myself here on lemmy a bit more than usual.

    • dedido
      22 years ago

      Communicate through the universal language of interpretive dance.

    • @TeaHandsOP
      12 years ago

      Ooh no that is giving me socially awkward palpitations. I bet your partner has mastered the skill of diplomatic translation, though.

      • @Assassin4
        12 years ago

        Well she’s trying! They are full on for her, and she feels guilty for me. I keep telling her not to worry, it’s not her fault. I am the breakfast chef (England so it’s English breakfast) and I’ll take them all out for the day now

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      I have this to look forward to in a few weeks. My wife’s friend is coming to stay for two weeks and she speaks zero English. I do speak a bit of their language, but only to a low intermediate level, so it’s going to be tough.