This article - How the Rise of New Digital Workers Will Lead to an Unlimited Age - makes the mainstream case for the future of employment with respect to robotics and AI. By mainstream, I mean that it completely ignores the central question. What happens to human employees when most or all (even future uninvented) work can be done for pennies an hour by AI & robotics employees?

As almost always, he poses the question, and in classic Strawman fashion - pretends to answer it, by answering a different question. Mr Benioff says automation has always created more jobs than it eliminates. But that only answers a different question and ignores the most important one.

Mr. Benioff, CEO of Salesforce and owner of TIME magazine is no different from mainstream economists, or the Silicon Valley elite, in building this world and blindly leading us to it.

One day society is going to have to wake up to the fact we are being duped by these people, and the longer we keep believing them, the more we just get all the angst and chaos, and none of the understanding we need to fashion a new reality.

  • @alexc
    23 months ago

    Saw this and had the exact same reaction. Pure self-serving and self-enriching fantasy level writing.