• @abigscaryhobo
    103 months ago

    To play some devils advocate here, this is still a very sensitive subject. Not because the kids don’t have a right to that care but because kids are kids, and things can change drastically for them as they grow. For every kid who genuinely needs that care, there is another who doesn’t but is searching to discover themselves. Some forms of affirming care are safer than others, but others can have drastic life long effects on growing people. Unfortunately there are also some parents that will force care (or lack thereof) on kids in one way or another.

    I think that therapy and understanding should be promoted heavily for kids so they can identify and understand how they feel and why, but blanket statements are challenging because they can be very easily spun (ex. All the “the left wants to force drugs on kids” bullshit that gets spouted.)

    Not saying that I’m right or that you’re wrong, but I think this is a discussion that still has to be opened/presented further for it to gain traction in the public eye.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Excuse me, Mx. “Devil’s Advocate,” but nothing you said is contradictory to/incompatible with providing gender affirming care to children. In fact, therapy and understanding/acceptance are a major part of that.

      The biggest issue I have is that trans children’s needs and well-being are thrown under the bus to save the small minority of genuinely confused cis people. Given the current state of their rights, any argument for waiting until some more idealized treatment arrives is an argument against trans rights and our entire community’s well-being.