Got my trackball today.

  • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
    52 months ago

    How do you like your Glove80? I never got used to mine, and went back to my tkl. I gotta give it another shot. I love the look, and the dual design eases my shoulder pain significantly. But my typing speed and accuracy took such a huge hit…

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      I’ve had one for about a year and a half and I love it! It took me a few weeks to adjust but then my typing speed quickly got back to normal. I did play around with rearranging a few keys too, which really helped. I haven’t had any other ergonomic keyboards to compare to, but to me the thumb clusters and concave design are game changers!

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Just a few minor changes to the default layout. I swapped the the up/down arrows on the right half so it matches Vim’s j/k I also put the space bar and backspace on the left thumb cluster. This was mostly for games so I don’t have to remap space. Delete went to the right thumb cluster. The last thing was to put ‘=’ next to 0. My brain just couldn’t handle the default ‘=’ being on the left hand. Instead I put '' on the left hand below F1. I use that key less often so it wasn’t a big deal. In general, I got used to the rest of the default layer pretty quickly, and the deviations aren’t too far from a standard keyboard.

          • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
            22 months ago

            Thank you! I was having issues with muscle-memorizing the default, so anything that helps with that… well… helps.

    • @rwdfOP
      52 months ago

      I like it a lot, but as you say it takes a lot of getting used to and practice. I don’t think my WPM is near what it is on a regular keyboard, but we’re talking a few weeks of use versus 30 years of muscle memory … I’m gradually switching over to the Glove. Funnily enough I write better on it when I’m not thinking about it at all.

      • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
        22 months ago

        I’m in the same boat with the muscle memory. Never tested my official speed, but I’ve had several people comment that it sounds like I’m just smashing the keys down, but I’m actually typing. Don’t really want to give that speed up, but I don’t want that shoulder pain more…

      • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
        42 months ago

        About two weeks. I had to get the speed back up, as work was starting to suffer. Two months? Worth the effort. I’ll set it back up and give it a longer go.