so ive been playing a game called corepunk. got it installled with lutris using wine no problem, just had to add dotnet7. the only issue i have is im a serial alt-tabber. i switch to browser or discord etc. if i switch focus on the game it clearly continues to run, i can hear the audio, but the video output freezes. |

this is not uncommon problem. so i switched to gamescope and that fixes the issue. but with gamescope my mouse scroll no longer functions!!

looking for advice on the right config to get app switching and mouse scroling both working

  • @nastyyboi
    23 months ago

    While I didn’t have problem with mouse scroll not working, I did run games that had only audio and a black screen when window is unfocued. Try running the game in the same resolution as the desktop one at first, if that doesn’t work, other solution would be to use the windowed fullscreen or even windowed mode in game.

    I use WM so this might not apply to the DE, but give it a shot.