Because to me, they seem like de facto "Agree and “Disagree” buttons, whether or not it was the intent.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    33 months ago

    I think this is the best answer?

    I’ll also suggest that downvotes can be used for something that is actively wrong, as in deliberate, but I think it’s abused for people who may be ignorantly wrong but not maliciously so. Once the downvote train starts sometimes people can’t catch a break even if they make amends. Really does a disservice and disincentivizes to people’s ability to admit being wrong or learn something new.

    • Bezier
      33 months ago

      people who may be ignorantly wrong but not maliciously so.

      I think this one is a bit blurry anyway. If the person had every chance to learn, it’s on them.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        33 months ago

        Yeah, on the internet it’s really hard to tell if someone just doesn’t get it, is trolling, or is maliciously ignorant. Sometimes a quick check of their recent comments can reveal their MO and tell you who they are.