Aside from the obvious Law is there another blocker for this kind of situation?

I Imagine people would have their AI representatives trained to each individual personal beliefs and their ideal society.

What could that society look like? Or how could it work. Is there a term for this?

  • DarkThoughts
    53 months ago

    Oh, so you don’t want an AI government, but an AI voter. That’s probably even worse to be honest.

    Won’t that be ideal that would mean this LLM inherently knows your choices or belief, aside from the huge increase in processing needed.

    Only if it was trained on me and only me personally. But that would make me what we in German describe as “Gläserner Mensch”, gläsern coming from Glas, as in being a transparent person, which is a metaphor used in privacy topics. I’d have to lay myself open to an immense amount of data hording, to create a robot that may or may not decide like I would decide. Aside from the terrible privacy violations & implications that this would entail for every single person, it would also just be a snapshot of current me. Humans change over time. Our experiences and our perception of the world around us forms and changes us, constantly, and with that our decision making.

    But coming back to the privacy issue… We already have huge problems on that front. Companies hoard massive amounts of user data, usually through very thin veiled consent through those little checkbox agreements, or they just do it illegal now when it comes to their LLMs where they tend to just scrape everything on the internet, regardless of consent or copyright infringements. I think the whole LLM topic is one that should go nowhere until we have a globally agreed framework of regulations on how we want to handle those and future technologies. If you make an LLM based on all the data on the internet, then such models should inherently be Free Open Source, including everything that they create. That’d be the only agreeable term in my book. Whether true AI in the future would even rely on data scraping is another topic though.

    • @wabafeeOP
      13 months ago

      Fair point thanks!