So I was looking for a community to post a link to and I came accross:

What are our thoughts on this, and do we have a way to release such communities if that’s what’s wanted?

  • Admiral Patrick
    3 months ago

    So they created a Lemmy community only to refer you back to Reddit and also send you to their Discord?

    On one hand, that’s a shitty thing to do. On the other, it puts the admins in a tough spot (and almost seems like a trap). There was a lot of uproar during the Reddit protests about the admins taking over / handing over closed communities that went dark in protest. If the admins here do that in this case (or similar cases), I expect similar backlash.

    That said, I’d be in favor of the admins transferring the Lemmy community to someone who would actually grow it.

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      Totally different situation regarding admins. One was a community they built, this is a foreign land they stuck a flag down and declared theirs, and abandoned it.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      To your points

      1. This is not a community that they want to use, and have stated as such therefore removal is not a loss to them.

      2. If the admins take it and give it to other mods I see it as a gain to the community, because the current mods are being jerks and stopping other people using this server.

      3. I personally have no issue with admins taking groups off malicious mods. In the Reddit situation it was dumb that the mods honestly thought that going dark was going to work. If I decided to be a cunt on Feddit UK and register all available groups from aa to zzzzzzzzz so any group that hadn’t been claimed was under my control, I have absolutely no expectation that the Admins wouldn’t take it off me and give it to someone who wasn’t being a complete twat. This is their server that they are being extremely lovely and allowing us to have a chat on, and while they are great people you cannot expect them to put up with everything.