Of course I’m not asking you to give away your passwords. But for those of you who have so many, how do you keep track of them all? Do you use any unique methods?

I know many people struggle between having something that’s easy to remember and something that’s easy to guess. If you keep a note with your passwords on it, for example, it can be stolen, lost, or destroyed, or if you make them according to a pattern that’s easy to remember, the wrong people might find them easier to guess.

  • qantravon
    23 months ago

    This is pretty much what I used to do before I got a password manager. Only difference is I would take that short phrase and randomly drop letters or replace them with numbers or symbols, and also random capitalization. Then I’d just practice typing it for 5 minutes until it was muscle memory. After about a week, I could no longer consciously remember the specifics of the password, just the key phrase and the associated muscle memory.