
Russia’s ruble has plunged to its lowest level since March 2022 following new U.S. sanctions on Gazprombank, a key platform for energy payments.

The ruble’s slide, driven by sanctions, falling oil prices, and soaring defense spending, has intensified inflation and strained the war economy.

While the Kremlin benefits from a weaker ruble by converting foreign revenues into more domestic currency, experts warn of overheating risks and financial instability.

The Russian central bank is scrambling for solutions, but long-term economic pressures and declining oil revenues pose significant challenges.

  • @[email protected]
    271 month ago

    On the other hand, Putin doesn’t seem to care much about the suffering of his own people, which is what’s happening here. It’s the people, many of which are innocent, who suffer. Putin and his people are safe and warm with plenty of Euros and Dollars to spend.

    • FenrirIII
      71 month ago

      Then the people need to do something. They elected Putin. They tolerate Putin. This is their mess and they’ve done nothing to escape it.

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        That’s the same as saying Americans need to do something about Trump. They elected him and need to deal with the mess. Easier said than done.

        • FenrirIII
          31 month ago

          Trump isn’t president yet. He potential actions have not had any effects to fight back against. When he does fuck up the country, I genuinely hope people will wake up and do something. If not, I’ll be criticizing those cowards just the same.

          • @[email protected]
            161 month ago

            We’ve already had four years of Trump. We know exactly who he is what he does and Americans walked right into it with eyes wide open. No excuses.

          • @Xanthobilly
            41 month ago

            Trump is a symptom of a much bigger problem having to do with income inequality and oligarchs manipulating the media. It’s too late in the US. Once he assumes power, violence will sky rocket as a means of suppressing free speech, and corruption will rule. There won’t be some awakening, because there should have already been one.

            • @Paragone
              01 month ago

              True, except that you’re making the same mistake I’ve been making, since Trump 1st ran for President, years ago:

              getting the speed wrong…

              It’s damn glacial, compared with individual-life…

              He’ll keep escalating until about 2031, when finally he can do ANYthing he wants, human-sacrifice included ( as the Aztecs, the Maya, & the Toltecs did, before him, in the Americas… just different in style )

              Once 2032 rolls around, he should be able to go total-Confederate-pogrom against all who were civil-rights oriented, in the US…

              & that’ll take him another 7-8y to completely-destroy the country…

              Maybe 100-million will survive to 2040?

              it looks to me, now, like that’s the speed & the scale…

              Don’t take my word for anything, though: wait & see!


              _ /\ _

      • @Maggoty
        31 month ago

        They elected Putin in the same way as a school elects the Principal’s kid for student president. The ballots aren’t even counted beyond a performative few for cameras. They just need to record turnout so they can make sure the numbers match up when they announce the results.

      • @Paragone
        01 month ago

        They “elected” Putin.

        There is a difference…

        You know how dictatorship’s “elections” work, don’t you?

        _ /\ _