It’s currently 34°F outside. I’m waiting for the sun to warm the house to the lowest recommended temperature for application, 35°F. Second coat. Really regretting getting fancy with accent colors.

  • @PriorityMotifM
    22 months ago

    The question becomes, is the temperature of the paint or the substrate the important factor. Is there a recommended temperature variance?things to contemplate.

    • shnizmuffinOP
      22 months ago

      We’re talking about the environment.

      35°F - 90°F ambient temperature with a humidity under 75% to dry in 2-4 hours for a second coat. Outside of that range (0-35°F, 90-135°F) means paint can still be applied, but you need to wait 12-24h before applying a second coat.

      Of course, if we’re outside of the target range, the painter stops working well before the paint would.