With Megan Amram and probably several other producers/writers from TGP.
It doesn’t have any scifi/fantasy edge (at least not yet, I’ve only seen the first two episodes) but it’s still amusing.

  • stochastictrebuchet
    53 months ago

    Tbh, I never got the hate for season 1, except that on rewatching it feels flatter. But it’s nowhere near as bad as the first season of The Office (US). That actually hurt to watch.

    We talking season 4 of Community?

    • @AMillionMonkeysOP
      23 months ago

      Yeah: season 4 when Dan Harmon was not running it.
      I never got into the US Office… maybe because I only saw first season episodes.

      • stochastictrebuchet
        13 months ago

        I hear ya. That first season is ROUGH. I don’t see who at the time would ever renew it. Glad they did though. It really is a show whose characters grow on you. If ever you feel like trying again, just skip straight to the second season!