Master of magnetism, most attractive frame, magnets - how do they work? - Mag

Release date: 2012-10-25

Passive: Mag automatically Vacuums Pickups that are within 8 meters towards her (does not stack with the other Vacuum effects. DE WHY!)
Pull - Mag stuns enemies as she manifests a magnetic vortex. The vortex pulls in Polarize Shards and stunned enemies to place them directly in front of her.
Magnetize - (TAP) Enclose a target in a magnetic field that ensnares nearby enemies and deals damage over time. The field pulls Polarize Shards that orbited Mag and shrapnel into the deadly mix. (HOLD) Mag surrounds herself in a magnetic field that absorbs ranged attacks and reflects damage back in a destructive cone.
Polarize - Emit an energy pulse that depletes enemy shields and armor as it restores ally shields. Debris left over from the pulse becomes Polarize Shards. Nearby Polarize Shards orbit Mag and cut enemies, inflicting bleed status.
Crush - Magnetize the bones of nearby enemies, causing them to collapse upon themselves.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating The Sergeant on Iliad, Phobos.

  • KeegenOP
    13 months ago

    I played my fair share of Excalibur and I Volt was my go-to AoE nuke before I got Saryn but I never really touched Mag much. She’s definitely strong with all the buffs she’s gotten over the years but she just never seemed all that fun to me. Magnetize is definitely her signature ability, shooting projectiles with infinite body punchthrough into it and watching them spin and obliterate everything inside is what she’s known for. Her biggest weakness is her dependence on specific weapons and mods to really make her shine, not something that’s ideal for a starter warframe.