Feel free to share your solutions or browse others’ for inspiration! Please tag your comments with the language you solved in to make it easier to search for specific languages in case we happen to get more comments than expected. 😀 I really hope that we can create some discussion here to liven up this community!

  • myklM
    4 months ago

    For entertainment purposes only, I’ll be trying a solution in Uiua each day until it all gets too much for me…

    $ 4   3
    $ 2   5
    $ 1   3
    $ 3   9
    $ 3   3
    ⊜∘⊸≠@\n     # Partition at \n.
    ⊜(⍆∵⋕)⊸≠@\s # Partition at space, parse ints, sort.
    /+/(⌵-)     # Get abs differences, sum.