You can also share like your top 10 in order if you want. As long as you tell me your top DQ game :)

  • Wolf Link 🐺
    23 months ago

    Very, very late to the party but I just found this community today =P

    My personal favorite is DQVIII solely for the reason that it was the first one I’ve played - it was my introduction to the series and nostalgia can be a powerful thing. I also found it super creative how they managed to have complete voice acting and still allow the player to pick their own character’s name by letting NPCs give the main character nicknames (so the text would say stuff like “Come over here, [player name]” but the actually spoken line was something like “Come over here, m’boy/guv”).

    And the puns. So. Many. Puns. I mean, “One Knight Stand”, really?! Or the cute little quirks like trying to use “Zoom” indoors and instead of flying to your destination, you crash into the ceiling and hit your head. It’s all just so charming ;)

    My second favorite is actually a spinoff - Dragon Quest Builders 2. The first one was cool as well, interesting concept and lots to do, but the controls felt very clunky and the selection of stuff you could build was a tad limited. The sequel had a ton of improvements all around and is just generally more enjoyable IMHO, and with a lot of creative ways to build things. I once rebuilt Gerudo Town from BotW for sh*ts and giggles in place of the giant pyramid on the Isle of Awakening. That was a fun project ♪