The Schrader valve (also called American valve) is a type of pneumatic tire valve used on virtually every motor vehicle in the world today.

You can get valve core tools for real cheap at any auto parts store or bike shop, probably hardware stores, too.

Probably not a bad idea to keep one of these handy, and some valve cores, too, just in case some miscreant decides to use their valve core tool to steal yours. Of course, you’ll also want to have your own tire inflator handy to reinflate all four of your completely flat tires afterwards.

Without this preparedness, you could find yourself with a disabled vehicle.

  • @this_1_is_mine
    43 months ago

    Some valve stem caps actually have a core puller built into it but it’s not that hard to get cores out to be honest. It’s swapping one on a inflated tire without losing it that’s the trick.

    • NougatOP
      43 months ago

      I suppose if one of those miscreants wanted to be extra desctructive, a pair of side cutters would clip the whole stem right off, too.