Obviously I won’t because it’s dangerous, but the side effects are too much especially from antipsychotics. My old psychiatrist used Olanzapine to stop my suicidal thoughts and help my depression which it did but I was on 7,5mg now I am on 30mg with my new psychiatrist. I gained so much weight, I sweat like crazy, I sleep 14 hours and have a hard time waking up even with an alarm clock next to me or far from me I just go back to sleep. It absolutely blunted my emotions and I am not motivated to do the things I used to like doing : walk in nature, natation. So basically it makes me hungrier while making it impossible for me to do a physical activity.

I got a second opinion and I am now on 15mg Olanzapine and I sent an ultimatum e-mail to my psychiatrist telling her basically that I’ll keep working with her if she agrees to find other options than antipsychotics or at least find one which is weight neutral. We’ve tried Abilify it gave me akathisia, Quetiapine and Risperdal and she stopped there and decided I go back to Olanzapine. I know much more antipsychotics that are weight neutral that exists. Also I don’t have psychotic symptoms so I just know there’s a full parade of medication she’s just not willing to try.

It’s lazy psychiatry

  • @over_clox
    52 months ago

    General community disclaimer:

    I don’t think any of us are qualified pharmacists.

    • @thiscatismadOP
      42 months ago

      Agree but this was just a rant I wasn’t asking advice on medication.