I guess Zippy bot is sleeping. Last month of the year, so what will you play on december. There are probably not much new games comming out this month, but some of us have probably some free time to play a bit more.

  • @De_Narm
    3 months ago

    Last month was filled with almost-great games. I’ve finished Eiyuden Chronicles and Code Vein. Code Vein itself was fine, although having only played higher budget soulslikes, it does rank last within the subgenre. Eiyuden Chronicles however suffered from bad balancing, slow loading times and crashes. Despite playing on hard with all bonus challanges, the only nerve wrecking part was entering a loading screen after multiple hours without a save point - sometimes the game just freezes. That all aside, I did enjoy the game and would recommend it if they fix these issues in the future.

    This month, I’ve got quite a few gems lined up: Octopath 2, SMT V Vengence, P4 Golden and Metaphor. However, I just started Witcher 3 and will be playing some Pokemon Conquest - which ended up becoming a christmas tradition with my partner. So I don’t know if I’ll get to any of these games.

    As a side note, I had bots blocked and didn’t even know these threads existed. I guess I should allow them.