• Lightor
    3 months ago

    So that guy who called out his colleagues and ended up getting no backup, he’s bad too? The guy who whistle blew, him too? Everyone is bad instantly and fully. The cops you can look up that save lives and help people, they’re actually bad too? The fact that a cop could be in a situation where he has saved numerous lives and you call him bad just because he’s a cop, without knowing anything about him, just feels disingenuous. What if he’s in a small town where the cops aren’t corrupt like the big city. Or what if he doesn’t stop the corruption and just does the best that he himself can. There are so many possible scenarios that this blanket statement doesn’t seem logical at all.

    This idea that you can call every single individual cop bad just makes the movement seem silly to me. A cop who just joins the force today, he’s bad somehow. Cops who try to whistle blow, there bad too. Everyone is bad and nothing else matters, it just seems so silly.

    • @BlitzoTheOisSilent
      3 months ago

      The cops you can look up that save lives and help people,

      Which police department let that shooters murder their town’s school children are you referencing when you say “save lives?” Because I distinctly remember dozens of cops, armed to the teeth, sitting idly hy while children were murdered down the hall by a lone gunman.

      How many lives did those brave, life saving cops help? Or should we discuss George Floyd, were those cops just saving his life when they responded to a call about a counterfeit $20 and took a man’s life?

      Or did you mean the countless sex workers that police have “saved” from the streets by arresting them and giving them criminal records? How many lives are the police saving by fucking prostitutes “fOr ThEiR jOb” during undercover stings and arresting them?

      Tell me, how many lives were saved during the BLM protests where police met unarmed, peaceful protesters with weapons of war, decked out like they’re invading fucking Fallujah?! Go ahead, I want a fucking number of lives that have been saved by police attacking peaceful protesters, I’ll fucking wait.

      Every single cop is a bastard, full stop. They’re class traitors who hide behind “protect and serve” so they can beat and abuse minorities and kill with impunity.

      Tell me, where are all the good cops calling for an end to qualified immunity so all the bad cops can finally be filtered out? Where are all the good cops calling for department settlements to be paid out of the department’s pension fund instead of the town/city budget, paid for by taxpayers?

      Where are all the good cops calling for police funds to be diverted to other public services, which would alleviate some of the work burden on police? Cause any time I’ve heard talk about police budgets, it’s often them complaining that the town is giving $15,000/year for transgender services instead of giving that money to the police and their $1 billion budget.

      Where are all the good cops calling for the police to be disarmed, or to be barred from purchasing surplus military equipment? Where are all the good cops when warrants are illegally issued and no-knock raids are carried out?

      Tell me, where were all the good cops telling the world to “say her name?” How many police from the St. Louis PD have come forward and disavowed their coworkers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor while she was sleeping in her bed?

      I don’t recall the PA Fraternal Order of Police ever apologizing for using a black child as a propaganda piece during the BLM protests, but then again, the whole department is full of good cops, I must just be misremembering. I do vividly remember that Philadelphia PD dropped fire bombs on apartment homes, burning down a neighborhood block, so were they good cops too?

      I’ll answer for you: they don’t exist. Once you put on that badge, the only race you care about is your fellow Thin Blue Coward folks. Cowards who couldn’t cut it in the military, so they have to LARP as soldiers against their own population to feel like they’re contributing to society in any meaningful way. Cowards who need guns and military grade equipment to feel “safe” against peaceful, unarmed protestors while they exchange hand shakes and coffee with armed fascists attempting to do peaceful protestors harm.

      So is that what makes the cops good cops, that they stand in solidarity with fascists and tell them they “really appreciate those guys and their help?” Or is that just more “good cop in the background doing good cop things” that I must be completely unaware of?

      Or is it the fact that cops kill over 1,000 Americans per year, and over 10,000 dogs per year, is that what makes them good cops, killing family dogs because it’s too much effort to try and deescalate a situation? You’re right, that makes them saints! Especially all the nonexistent good cops I hear criticizing their cohorts about these practices (this is a joke, there are no good cops, and none of them have ever criticized any of their fellow officers behavior).

      But keep licking the boot of people who would have zero problem curb stomping you and then charging you for damage to government property for bleeding on their boots. All those BS photo ops, like the Chief of Police who knelt with protestors after the George Floyd protest who then went on to talk about how we need to just arrest and put away these “animals” in warehouses where we’ll let a generation die, and then once all the “problem people” are gone, Amazon can turn them into warehouses.

      Clearly there are just a plethora of good cops, you’re right, it’s completely unfair to criticize them for anything I’ve listed above, I mean, they’re not doing anything to change any of it, so that makes them good cops, right? Or are you just implying that a cop giving a kid a lollipop during a photo op makes up for all of the atrocities committed by police?

      Edit: And to be clear, I’m a veteran who never saw combat but also doesn’t pretend to like these fucking badge wearing snowflakes, and I also say this as a grandchild of a retired cop and cousin to a potential state trooper and former Marine.

      All cops are bastards, don’t wanna automatically be a bastard? Don’t be a cop.

      • Lightor
        -13 months ago

        Jesus you seem angry. I’m not saying all cops are good either. You seem to have this all or nothing mindset.

        Yes, tons of cops do tons of bad things, but you are purposely ignoring anyone good. I’m not saying all cops are good, I’m not even saying 10% are good, I’m just not making some absolute sweeping statement. Listen, you can find articles and videos of cops savings people’s lives. That’s a fact. For me personally, if someone saves a person’s life, that’s a pretty good mark for them. It doesn’t automatically make them a perfect person, but it’s moving in the right direction. Have other cops needlessly ended lives, absolutely, but it doesn’t mean the cops that are saving lives are automatically bad. I mean you’re an American citizen right? You think it’s right for the world to look at all the shitty things America has done and lay it at your feet? Call America a traitor to the world for what they’ve done and demonize you? No, because that would be ignorant.

        And the fact that me trying to have this convo with you makes you feel the need to insult me and call me a boot licker or whatever just shows that you don’t want to have a conversation. You have a belief that you’ve cemented and you attack anyone who questions it.

        The idea, that in your mind, someone who is a genuine good person, who tries to be a cop with the best intentions automatically becomes this horrible person once they put the badge on is nonsense. You’re in a black and white, us vs them, mindset. You list tons of examples of what cops have done wrong to justify hating every single one of them. This is the exact behavior used by hate groups, it’s pathetic. What have you done to stop qualified immunity aside from be an Internet warrior, hrmmm?

        But yeah, just shut down, name call, and be childishly sarcastic when anyone tries to have a convo with you. This is some peak close minded cult think.

        • @BlitzoTheOisSilent
          3 months ago

          Would you call a Nazi good just because they try to marginally make a system they can’t change but willingly continue to participate in?

          It’s the same thing, stop defending class traitors. If cops were so good and necessary, why does crime not change when police departments go on strike?

          Y’know, like the entire Buffalo PD resigning because all the good cops faced slight public scrutiny for, I think that one was pushing an old man over and then all the good cops walking by while he bleeds from his skull? Those good cops?

          Or did you mean all the good NYPD cops who threaten to stop doing their jobs any time the public asks for accountability?

          I don’t understand, someone joins a shitty, abusive system, and they still want to be considered good people! It’s so unfair of them! Won’t anyone think of the poor poor police officers and their poor guns and poor badges and poor qualified immunity, they’re just good people perpetuating a broken system, what else should they do? Try to change things for the better?

          They willfully joined a system that was started as a means to arrest and return runaway slaves… Are cops the baddies? No no, it’s just a few bad apples, they’re just following orders, etc. Right?

          Edit: What have I done? I joined the military, learned what actual responsibility was, and stopped giving wannabe soldiers who need military grade gear to feel safe against peaceful protestors a pass because “iT’s JuSt A fEw BaD aPpLeS”. I don’t remember the National Guard attacking rioters during the Baltimore Riots, or during the BLM protests. That was only cops, y’know, the same ones you’re saying are “good people” because they have good intentions.

          What intentions did the federal law enforcement officers have when they were throwing people into unmarked vans in Portland? Or randomly opening fire on peaceful protestors “out past curfew.”

          I’m sure they were nothing but trying to fix the broken system they are a willing part of, they clearly weren’t just class traitors.

          Oh, and you’re asking why I haven’t given any examples of good cop behavior? Two reasons: One, that’s your job, I’m not defending cops, you are, so go ahead. And two, because there are no good cops, even the feel good stories are usually propaganda.

          But keep defending the institution that kills, again, 1,000 Americans per year and 10,000 dogs because your fragile ego can’t handle the fact that shit people are shit. Welcome to the real world?

          • Lightor
            13 months ago

            Jesus, you’re so blinded with rage.

            You know a cop could join the force in a small town that isn’t corrupt. Or a cop could help a best they can by joining instead of just complaining online. You jumped up Nazis because of course, but to answer you, yes. If a Nazi in WW2 saved Jewish lives I would call them a good person. They couldn’t stop the war, but if they saved who they could I would admire that. Not being able to fix the whole system doesn’t mean you can’t do what you can to make things a little better.

            You said "That was only cops, y’know, the same ones you’re saying are “good people” because they have good intentions. " I never said either if those things. I said some of them can be good people and even said a lot of them are bad. Jesus, you’re just reading what you want at this point, you don’t even care about what’s being said, you’re just throwing a fit.

            And I’m not asking you to provide good instances of cops doing things, I’m saying you’re not even willing to acknowledge it. I can admit the institution of policing is corrupted and there are a lot of bad people, but I’m not willing to call them all bad outright without even knowing them or what they’ve done.

            And wait, what, my fragile ego? That’s just a random insult for no reason, how is this about my ego? I’m just disagreeing with you so you feel the need to insult me, I get it. You’re all rage all the time, no nuance, everyone is the enemy.

            What I find hilarious is that you joined the military, who kills tons of innocent people, then judge the cops for the same thing. You’re the exact thing you hate.

            • Doug HollandOPM
              23 months ago

              Lighto, you win the argument by default, since Blitzo has been banned by lemmy.world admins.

              I hate cops probably more than Blitzo does, but I’m less evangelical. I did find the conversation interesting, though, and thanks to both of you for staying mostly cordial.