• @PagingDoctorLove
    13 months ago

    Yeah I’ve been considering that, but I’m not sure the ranges near me are women friendly spaces and I don’t think I’m in the right head space to voluntarily push into a male dominated space like that. I wonder if there’s a good way to screen potential ranges, should I just come straight out and ask if they’re welcoming?

    Having a life ending device just “sitting on the shelf” is definitely my biggest issue. I have an ex who would threaten to kill himself whenever our relationship was on the rocks, and while my husband is a very stable person I still have a hard time shaking the feeling that weapons+men=bad news. Though I asked if he was comfortable with me having a gun safe that he cannot unlock and he said he supports whatever is going to make me feel safest atm.

    I just hate that this is where we are.