I was in 5th grade when my dad told me about the Nuremberg trials and the subsequent Milgram experiments.

Edit Wtf you sick perverts, I was talking about when your parents talk to you about authority bias and how you need to be suspicious of power structures that tell you to do things that you would normally consider horrible acts.

Jesus you can’t talk about Nazis without someone dragging out Sex Ed these days smh

  • @officermike
    333 months ago

    I was 18 or 19 when my dad scared me straight into learning to drive manual transmission.

    • @NeoNachtwaechter
      3 months ago

      I learned that at 12 without anybody being scared.

    • @Mickey7
      3 months ago

      My father taught me how to drive on a stick shift car. Several years later when I was able to afford it I bought a used Pontiac GTO stick shift. Best car I ever had. I haven’t driven a manual in decades, but I know if I had to today it would come right back to me