“The area, which has about 5,000 residents and a growing waiting list, is completely self-sufficient. Residents can build houses however they like, and must collaborate with others to figure out things such as street names, waste management, roads, and even schools. But the local government has included one extremely unusual requirement: about half of each plot must be devoted to urban agriculture.”

  • Justin
    3 months ago

    Ah ok, interesting. Then you know better than me, I live in Sweden and I’m just looking at Google Maps.

    There of course will always be neighbors who put more effort into their property and neighbors who don’t, and Swedish villages are arguably just as sprawly. But yeah, mandating the kinds of plants you can grow seems like it kind of becomes a monoculture and a chore.

    Do you get the feeling that the neighborhood is a bit weird/car-dependent compared to most dutch neighborhoods? There definitely seems to be a lot of alternative living stuff that the uniqueness attracts, but the fact that there is no public transportation and the strange road structure makes it seem like it would be very different from a normal neighborhood. I even see a concrete walking path to the south of the village with a dedicated parking lot for some strange reason.

    • @Mazuu
      3 months ago

      About being car dependant, yes and no.

      No because shops and services are within walking or biking distance. There are a lot walking paths that are not visible on Google maps. This is because they’re on the actual properties and therefore not paved. The city requires residents to keep and maintain these paths as part of the purchase agreement when they purchased the land. This requirement transfers to new owners upon sale.

      Yes, because contrary to elsewhere in the country there are no dedicated bike lanes on the actual roads inside the neighborhood, nor are there sidewalks. Driving is limited to 15/30 km/h almost everywhere though.

      There is a bus line going to and from the city every 30 minutes. I assume the amount of lines and stops will increase as the neighbourhood grows, it is still very much a work in progress.

      Im having trouble finding the waking path you spoke about. Mind linking it for me on maps? Is this the parking lot you were talking about? If so that looks to be a parking space for the employees of this project. The link is in Dutch but Google translate should work fine for Dutch > Swedish. Digging around some more on streetview and Google maps it looks like the concrete path is actually a bike lane through the future park/green area being created there. It looks like the walking paths are gravel (based on a picture from streetview)