• @ceenote
    3 months ago

    So this bit is historically accurate? It’s hard to believe nowadays that Family Guy was once clever…

      • @TexasDrunk
        33 months ago

        They would have still been drunk in the 15th century.

          • @TexasDrunk
            43 months ago

            Oh, I’m sure. I’m also sure there were many other things going on in that century. I just like the idea that they were drunk as fuck for almost four times as long as I’ve been drunk.

    • TheRealKuni
      33 months ago

      Family Guy is frequently clever. The show can be annoying because the A and B (and occasional C) plots are usually hollow (with some notable exceptions) and serve only as connecting tissue for the cutaway gags, but the cutaway gags are often very funny.

      It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s great for a laugh every now and then.