Three days before Thanksgiving, someone was trying to steal peoples food stamps.

  • @[email protected]
    162 months ago

    You’d be surprised how much food an urban homestead can produce. And no, one person isn’t going to feed everybody on food stamps but like many things, if enough people start doing it then it becomes part of the culture. Imagine if houses had a little homestead instead of a grass lawn, especially in the front. Whole changes in culture could occur. For example, one of the best things about Halloween in my opinion is that the whole neighbourhood comes alive with people out and about. If people spent more time in their front yards doing gardening (and not noisy polluting lawn mowing) there’s be more interactions between people and places would feel more alive and safer. </rant>

    • @Nalivai
      142 months ago

      I don’t know how much domestic agriculture changed in the last 30 years, but 30 years ago growing enough veggies for couple of winter months was a full-time everyday job for 2 people in our family, with another 4 having to help regularly. I don’t think there is enough free time for that right now