Then don’t do that? Look up some anarchist community and join them
EDIT: The downvotes trully make this hillarious - anarchist community downvoting post suggesting to actually practice anarchy :D I guess you really are just a bunch of children being angry and rage from the safety of your home but when you should take action you shit your pants :D
I watched a documentary once about a group of people who formed their own commune. There was A LOT of internal drama, infighting, infidelity, and general chicanery. It turns out that people who don’t like rules or structure don’t cohabitate well with other people who don’t like rules or structure.
Then don’t do that? Look up some anarchist community and join them
EDIT: The downvotes trully make this hillarious - anarchist community downvoting post suggesting to actually practice anarchy :D I guess you really are just a bunch of children being angry and rage from the safety of your home but when you should take action you shit your pants :D
There’s nothing sadder than a whiny “the truly hilarious down votes prove I’m superior” edit.
I mean, don’t they? :D Just look at this situation :D
Yea, everyone can totally do that. /s
If anarchy is as self sustaining as anarchists claim, where community takes care of itself, then yes, absoultely, everyone can do that
I watched a documentary once about a group of people who formed their own commune. There was A LOT of internal drama, infighting, infidelity, and general chicanery. It turns out that people who don’t like rules or structure don’t cohabitate well with other people who don’t like rules or structure.
Great. Once you abolish landlordism so that people can setup communes regardless of their economic situation just let us know
Well you bombed those Communist countries